IR: San Francisco #46 Alternate Takes

IR: San Francisco

On this week’s show, I feature alternate takes of four tracks. The bands may have originally recorded these as demos and then later fleshed them out for full-lengths, or they just wanted to take the songs in a different direction. Whatever the reason, I hope you enjoy this unique episode.

I also am joined by my cohost, Miguel of the TLP. I neglected to talk about the TLP during the show as initially promised, so check out the link to their site to find out what they’re all about.


Alternate Takes:
Little Yellow Perfect: Television (demo & album versions) | Buy direct from artist
Loquat: Swingset Chain (Garageband & album versions) | eMusic | Buy direct from artist
The Winter Sounds: Oblivion (EP & album versions) | eMusic | iTunes | LiveWire Recordings
Cult of Sue Todd: Burn Tampa (original version) & Tampa (EP version) | eMusic | Buy direct from artist

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