IR: San Francisco #40 This Title Space For Rent

IR: San Francisco

Forty episodes in, and I feel like I’m just gettin’ warmed up. (Though I couldn’t think of a clever title to save my life.) Enjoy music from 10 bands brand spankin’-new to this show, and all from SF or the surrounding area. The music on the show blends slammin’ rock, pop punk, math rock, art rock for films, and shoegaze. In other words, a perfect example of IR:SF genre bleeding.


The Music:
The Billy Martini Show: Like No Other | .mp3 | album
Goodbye Gadget (formerly Inspect Her Gadget): I Wanna Be | Interpunk
Candy From Strangers: Strange Ride | .mp3 | CD Baby |
Josh Funk: Turn It Away | CD Baby | iTunes
Pebble Theory: Animal | .mp3 | iTunes
The Lovely Public: Pick Your Noose | Aquarius Records (search for band name)
The Union Trade: Strings Break | Amazon | iTunes That Man
Fantastic: Second Skin | CD Baby
French Disco: Sugar | CD Baby | iTunes
Under: Under | CD Baby | iTunes

The Shouts:
Insomnia Radio
Dave’s Lounge
IR 24/7 (Internet radio streaming all the time. Seriously. Stream it on your desktop. At work. Makes the day go by just a tad bit quicker.)
Contact: scott (at)