IR: San Francisco #16 The Dirty Lovely

Some real cool stuff coming out of the IR:SF studios this week, gang. Some might be tunes that you would expect to hear on this show, while others may surprise you. But all are dirty and lovely in their own way. There are a few songs here that are not safe for work or kids, so don’t say I didn’t warn ya!


The Dirty Lovely:
Parting Gift: Caught Inside
The Frequency: Underway
Hybrid Kid: Dropped
The Otherside: Dirty Devil
Chords Are Dead: Axis One
Cult of Sue Todd: Snatch
New Telepathic Friends: All Stars
Bloomsday: Ramona Pt. 2

Contact me at: scott (at) insomniaradio (dot) net, send me an Odeo voicemail, or hit me up on MySpace.