IR: San Francisco #10 10 for 10

File Size: 39.2 (.mp3)
Running Time: 42:40


Episode 10 is in the books, ladies and gentlemen. Ten songs for Episode 10. What? No shownotes? You’ll have to listen in to find out why. Participation in my new contest can net you some pretty cool stuff, but you have to pay attention and submit by the deadline (June 24).

And if you want a time-saving hint for the contest, go to the Insomnia Radio Forum and check out the IR: San Francisco thread. Register to be a member of the forum and come hang out with all the other crazies, er, music lovers there.

Also, I will be on vacation from June 18-24 and won’t be releasing a show. Instead, I’ll be catching trout and releasing them in the frigid river waters of Montana. I hope to be back in full swing the week afterward.

Thanks for listening! Send me contest submissions and feedback at scott (at) insomniaradio (dot) net.