IR: San Francisco #6 Extra Super Genre Bleeder

Discard all preconceptions of what you think an IR: San Francisco episode is all about. We’ve got indie pop, pop punk, trip-hop, Japanese shoegaze, hard rock from the swamps, Irish pub crawling, and some political cut and paste collage. And new vocal equipment! You will not be disappointed: that is an order!


The Tunes
The Botticellis: Take the N
Download stuff on their website (link directly above).

Letterhead: The Us
Download stuff on their MySpace site (directly above)

Z.O.N.K: Nervous Excited Delighted
Buy stuff on their website (above, ya know)

Peloton: Static Line
Buy stuff on their website (you get the drill…)

“Friends of the Family”
A-Lude-N-Um Foil: Government In Bed
As heard on Insomnia Radio: Florida

Two Gallants: Nothing to You
Buy stuff on their website.

Mentalward: Bush Whack (Weapons of Mass Distraction)
Download stuff from the linkety-link above.

Insomnia Radio: Florida
The Bay Bridged podcast

Comments? Rants? Raves? You wanna send Rice Krispie treats?
e: scott (at) insomniaradio (dot) net
v: (206) 203-1275