The Tower Of Dudes are releasing their new EP Boring Country Songs on March 2nd, 2018. Today’s Dose is a track from it. Although this short album is entitled Boring Country Songs and is recorded almost exclusively...
Quantum Milkshake: T...
And now for something completely different! Experimental cinematic dance outfit from Melbourne Australia, Quantum Milkshake, is a self described “surreal, soundtrack inspired, dance band flowing through the realms of...
Quivers: Pigeons
Today’s Dose is by Quivers. Here is what they say about themselves: “Quivers is a Hobart/Melbourne guitar pop project drawing upon Americana & Australiana. This is gutter pop made from grief and drunken...
Rebecca Everett: Sti...
Victoria, BC artist Rebecca Everett is on the verge of releasing her album “Seven Shades” in a few short days on October 2nd. The newly released single “Sting of a Kiss” is a beautiful effort that...
IR Canada Show #36 :...
Download IR: Canada #36 Subscribe Subscribe in iTunes Track Listing & Links NJ Taylor Song: I Don’t Care From: Montreal QC Home I...
The Tower of Dudes: ...
The Tower of Dudes aren’t just your average East meets West gypsy punk accordion rock band. Their lively stage presence and shotgun delivery definitely inspire frenzied dancing and reckless abandon but it’s their...
Frog Eyes: I WonR...
Today we’ve got a bonus track from the sessions that produced “Carey’s Cold Spring”, the excellent album assembled over the course of three years and released this past October from Victoria, BC...
Germany Germany R...
Today’s electronic feature to help launch us into the new year is by Victoria Canada’s Germany Germany (aka Drew Harris). This single, Take Me Home is from Drew’s album Adventures (17 tracks) released via...
Toy Camera: Summer D...
Los Angeles solo artist Steffaloo’s collaboration project, TOY CAMERA, with Drew Harris of GERMANY GERMANY just finished up their first EP called ‘Blissful Youth’! It’s currently up for free download on...
The Paper Cranes: Ch...
The title song from their recent album The Paper Cranes are a husband and wife indie-pop band from Victoria, British Columbia whose specialty is crafting infectiously melodic pop songs with heart-wrenching lyrics that...
IR Seattle #36: SubP...
Download | Subscribe [audio:] I figured it would be appropriate for IR Seattle to eventually make it’s entrance into the new website where it left off. The show has...