Glowbug: All In (feat. Lourdes Hernández)

GlowbugGlowbug is Daniel Anderson, an electronic influenced pop artist out of Los Angeles. In January he released the eleven track LP, ‘Headhunters’ that was presented to the world free of charge, this track being the final oustanding close-out. Daniel had the following generous words to say about sharing the release:

Monetary transactions aside, there is one simple thing that you can help with if you enjoy this record: share it. If you find yourself relishing these songs, all that I ask is that you find two friends and direct them to a free Headhunters download of their own. If your friends like the record, then have them do the same. For those of you who would prefer a more modern approach to getting the word out, please just tweet, regram, blog, tumble and share this record on the social media platform of your choice. Your voice is worth more than I could ever say.

In addition, he also shared a bit on the meaning behind the album:

Headhunters is about the natural desire to be close to others. It’s about relationships and social interaction, about the balance between hunting and being hunted in the modern era of bar crawls and office parties. In turn, many relationships were called upon in the creation of these songs, so first and foremost I would like to thank Johnny Whitney, Josh Holland, Hyro Da Hero, Sean Smith, Lourdes Hernández, and Ross Robinson for lending their voices and/or spirit to these recordings. I cannot thank you enough.

If you get the chance be sure to check out the video for the excellent track ‘Death of the Party‘ embedded further below. His video for the new track ‘Two Tigers‘ also just released, which you can also view via his sites below.


[audio:] All In (feat. Lourdes Hernández)