A fitting end to 2014 and a welcome to 2015, we found this track by Manchester, UK band Decoration who were discovered and championed by John Peel, and are still recording more than ten years later. They released their...
Bride & Groom: A...
As another milestone New Year approaches for 2015, we thought it would be nice to feature the close-out Daily Dose feature from Montreal songwriting duo, Bride & Groom. They released a fun EP for the Holidays, ‘A...
Lovegrenade: Ambiguo...
Lovegrenade are a three piece from Tel Aviv in Israel, who released their 3rd album Your night will come on limited edition vinyl and name your price download from BandCamp. Today’s Dose is the opening track on the...
tiny cuts: Call Out ...
“tiny cuts is the collaboration between filmmaker AJ and music producer Gavin Bushell. Based in Wales, they create original tunes across a range of genres, including rock, pop, folk and indie. “Their first...
Boogie Belgique: All...
As we count down the final days of the year along with the musicians and aficionados around the globe, we figured the best thing for today would be to feature ‘All Over the World‘ by Ghent, Belgium electro-swing...
Postcode: Some Thing...
Today’s Dose is from this year’s Christmas compilation from Small Bear Records. “Small Bear Records are proud to present ‘Never Mind The Baubles’, their third annual festive collection which is...
Röyksopp: Le Cantiqu...
Merry Christmas to all those listeners and supporters who’ve been with us over this last continuous year of new (and even older) music via the 365 Daily Doses and smattering of regional live shows. Today, we’ve...
The Boy From Space: ...
A Christmas song from Salisbury Indie Popsters The Boy From Space – a song of longing, loneliness and cartoon robins. It features vocals from the Pocket Gods very own Mark Lee. Come Home (For Christmas) is a seasonal...
Wild Nothing: One Ch...
Virginia based favorite Wild Nothing (aka Jack Tatum) released this holiday track last year after making the recording for fun… a well executed cover of the Captain Sensible track, One Christmas Catalogue. As was a...
Sentinel: Last Chris...
Network favorites Sentinel have released their annual Christmas single, this time the San Francisco dream pop group have covered the modern classic Last Christmas by Wham. Web Site | Facebook | Twitter | BandCamp |...
Frightened Rabbit: S...
Scott from Frightened Rabbit posted this holiday flavored track a few short years back with a message attached for a charity we’ve linked to further below. If you liked or downloaded this wee tune, maybe take a...
IR: UK #120
Episode number 120 of Insomnia Radio: UK Ro at the controls again. Six tracks from UK Artists Recording Date: December 2014 TRT: 28:33 Rating: Work Safe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/iruk120.mp3] Download IR: UK 120...
Cafeine: Love Diseas...
Montreal artist Xavier Cafeine is preparing to release his next album New Love on February 17th and has just put out the first excellent holiday flavored single, “Love Disease (Christmas in New York).” While the...
Clockwork Radio: Fam...
Clockwork Radio have put together a video, their version of ‘Fame’ by David Bowie. Their album is available as a free download too at their web...
Tigers of the West: ...
Tigers of the West are from Belgium and have released two tracks on SoundCloud and BandCamp. They say they play “Noise Pop / Space R&B / Kraut Jazz / Psychodelicious Gucci Shoegaze.” They also say this of...
Joe Morton: Giants
New Zealand artist Joe Morton released his debut single a few months back after recording this stunning first effort at Parachute Studios with producer Sam De Jong. We couldn’t find too much out there on this artist...
The Bandicoots: No T...
No Turn On Red is the second single from The Bandicoots upcoming EP, This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things. The band are from Hamilton in Canada, and are Nicolai Kozel (lead guitar), Andrew Parkinson (drums), Lorant...
I Am the Sky: If You...
Jesse Daniel Smith is one-half of the incredible Canadian songwriter duo, Bride and Groom, and has another new solo project you may not know about entitled, I Am the Sky. He issued a new single this past October, of which...
Honeymilk: Red Paper...
Stockholm based Honeymilk has had a great 2014 with two new singles (check them out on SoundCloud), a UK tour and ever growing presence on US college radio. Now they’ve released their Sanguine Skies EP (check that out...
Imagine Dragons R...
Imagine Dragons released the first video and single from their upcoming new album Smoke and Mirrors last week. The single is called I Bet My Life. Since we featured the band back in June 2010, we’ve been watching...
IR CANADA 43 –...
Download IR: Canada #43 Subscribe Subscribe in iTunes https://insomniaradio.net/audio/IRCanada43.mp3] The Grounds – Lilac Website, Facebook Blind Race – Gone Website, Twitter, Facebook Copy Red...
Concord America: Put...
From Altlanta GA, Concord America have released a free download single Put Your Money Down a boisterous dose of post-garage adrenaline very much in the spirit of their May EP release Suns Out Guns. Web Site | Facebook |...
Tom Rosenthal: Hey L...
London UK singer-songwriter Tom Rosenthal put out today’s featured single, “Hey Luis Don’t Bite Me”, back in June, to what appears to be an ode to a hungry footballer we all primarily remember from...
Brill: O Song
“Brill is “O” so happy to announce the release of their first single O Song. Brill is the current collaboration between singer/songwriters Brooke Trout and Dave Strauss. This acoustic harmonizing duo is in the...
HAWK: Hush
London based indie rock foursome, HAWK have released their latest single, Hush a few days ago on December 8th. It is apparently the first release from the group’s forthcoming EP ‘Clock Hands’, and if this...
Charlie Belle: Get t...
Charlie Belle is an Austin, Texas-based trio comprised of three teenagers with 30-plus years of music-making between them. The group, comprised of sister and brother Jendayi Bonds (vocals, guitar) and Gyasi Bonds (drums,...
Vincent Colbert: Ros...
Ann Arbor, Michigan based singer-songwriter Vincent Colbert has just released the 2nd single, “Rose Yellow Moon” from his forthcoming sophomore EP, Stranger in My House coming out next January 20, 2015. The song...
Tremors: The Game
“Tremors are a 2-piece semi-electronic act from Brisbane, Australia. Tremors recorded their first demo at age 16 in a bedroom in their rural home town inspired by the game Diablo 3 since he was a kid playing the...
Broadbay: Plasticine...
Broadbay are self-described Noise makers from Northampton via Brighton who sound something like Yuck, Dinosaur jr or the Cloud Nothings. They’ve got a new single out called ‘Plasticine Dream’ which outside...
IR: UK #119
Episode number 119 of Insomnia Radio: UK Stuart at the controls. Ten tracks from UK Artists Recording Date: Saturday 06 December 2014 TRT: 44:58 Rating: Work Safe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/iruk119.mp3] Download...
Gaba Kulka: Wielkie ...
We are proud to bring you another outstanding Polish artist shortly after the last ambassador was featured about a week ago. Gabrielle Kulka, going by the shorter nick, Gaba Kulka is from Warsaw, Poland and has recently...
Hidden in the Sun: S...
Five songwriters (Scott Rouse, Lizzie Clapper, Jason Vivrette, Ciara McAllister & Sean Alexander) who comprise Hidden in the Sun spent weeks secluded in the California Redwoods to create an ethereal debut album Seven...