The Spook of the Thirteenth Lock: The Brutal Here and Now (Part I)

The Spook of the Thirteenth LockNamed after a poem about a haunted canal lock, The Spook of the Thirteenth Lock match Irish folk and traditional sounds with more modern experimental rock sounds. With the release of their new album The Brutal Here and Now they have refined their craft, creating melodic folk rock with with a dark, modern feel. They veer away from their peers in tracing a line from the Irish 60’s folk revival through progressive, kraut and post rock.

Lyrically springing from English and Irish folk song, the compositions deal with complex themes of personal and national identity, alienation, Irish history and mythology,
revolution and the cynical cyclical nature of greed and power. Live they are a powerful five-piece, overlaying intricate folk melodies with swirling squalls of feedback, delay and soaring three-part harmonies.

[via Transduction Records]


[audio:] Download The Brutal Here and Now (Part I)