Today’s session heralds in the summer with two shots apiece by LA artists “Adam Freedman” as well as the “Blue James Band”. “Adam Freedman” showcases his indie pop jazz fusion that...
IR Orlando #19
Hello and welcome to yet another episode of Insomnia Radio Orlando. This episode features some olds friends and some new ones, starting with… 1. Four Star Riot | Still My Girl (Clearwater, Fl) This song is from their...
IR: San Francisco #4...
OK, so maybe I did crib the title of this episode from a certain 90’s post-grunge album, and as ironic as its namesake, it is anything but Sugary-sweet or “easy listening”. Featured in this week’s...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
This week brings us a quality collection of local harder edged tracks with a special guest de-icing session by Chicago’s own ‘The Race’ to help insure session liftoff. We’ve also got new albums...
IR: San Francisco #4...
Well, I was never really in exile–just extremely busy at work and in my personal life. I’m back though with a fresh batch of killer music that you’ll want to run out and buy. Or at least listen to again...
IR Orlando #18: Spot...
I originally played Spacebar way back on episode #4 last August, and several times since then. In the meantime, their debut full-length album, ‘Our Fight,’ has been completed and released. They are working on the...
IR Turkiye #5: Pek B...
Evet, sonunda bekleyis bitti ve IR Turkiye’nin 5. bolumu ile tekrar birlikteyiz. Bu kadar uzun sure ayri kalmak inanin bizi de rahatsiz etti ve 5. bolumu yayinladigimiz icin simdi cok iyi hissediyoruz kendimizi....
IR Turkey #5: The On...
IR Turkey #5 is here and it is such a relief to finally release it. This one is a 4 song episode and we still have great songs. Also, Hande is back. We talk about the songs, Turkish food and play the tunes....
IR: Detroit Episode ...
Episode #7 – Edge Of Eden Download | Subscribe [audio:] I interviewed Edge of Eden from the 89x Homeboy show in Brownstown Michigan about a month ago, and they put on a...