Forrest Day: Sleepwalk

The song you are listening today comes a little late for Halloween, still we want you to meet Forrest Day.

The rhythms of hip-hop provide a placemat for nervously melodic splendor and a melting pot of genres. What are we to call this compellingly oddball mélange of rock, rap, jazz, reggae, and other influences, all in sway to some of the most mirthfully self-conscious streams of consciousness you’ve ever heard?

We could call it attention-deficit-disorder rock. Or maybe we should just call it Forrest Day, the Bay-area bandleader who’s releasing his self-titled full-length debut on the Ninth Street Opus label. (IODA press release)

Forrest DayForrest Day
“Sleepwalk” (mp3)
from “Forrest Day”
(Ninth Street Opus)

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