Faith, My Atheist Love: Sweet Fear

The song you are listening today comes from British Columbia, Canada. Faith, My Atheist Love released Sweet Fear as a single and than as part of the free e.p. High Achievers. At the bandcamp for the project, you will also find the first album as a free download.

Faith, My Atheist Love is the music project of Canadian songwriter Shane Sparks from Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia. Emotional charged, intimate indie rock. In 2010, FMAL released the debut album Broken Lovers. Recorded with emmy winning producer Kristian Harper, Broken Lovers is an intimate portrait chronicling the break up of his long marriage. On Sept 1, 2011 (fittingly on his 40th birthday), Sparks released the High Achievers EP, an exploration of the complication, alienation and disconnect of middle class adult life. (official press-release)


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Faith, My Atheist Love’s links

Main site | Bandcamp | Twitter