Jack Hosley from Wander Radio is bringing you some great music from the Mid western area! Thank you Jack for filling in for me! The process is underway for my surgery. I will keep you guys updated. Set...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Step right up folks and witness the degentrification of Southern California one sweet track at a time. Yes, in less than an hours time, you too can enter our musical blackhole and witness the fiery future of...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
This session has a French title although it was probably butchered by the Babel Fish free translator to mean something completely offensive. In a perfect world it should roughly translate to ‘Female Musicians of...
IR: San Francisco #5...
Welcome to Episode 50 of the show! I’m switching up the format slightly here, as I don’t do any real talking until the very end. Instead, I’ll let other show hosts and artists do the talking for me! Enjoy...