Some Garage Punk for you today, from Burlington, VT PERSIAN CLAWS formed August 2008 in Burlington, VT. They are a Garage Punk band with Female vocals inspired by 60’s garage rock & cinema, 70’s punk and...
Insomnia Radio #160:...
An overdue Insomnia-laden journey has left us saddle-sore as we have traveled long and far these last few months in order to document a motley assortment of musicians. We uncovered them amongst the wild trappers of...
The Dares: Love Me W...
When most bands tell you they’ve had to “grow up in public,” they’re talking about getting pushed into the spotlight before they’ve had a chance to find their voice. But for Whittier, California, trio...
IR Orlando #12: Anti...
The Anti*Pop Music Fest hits Orlando next week. This is the second year for the festival, which includes a week of incredible shows at venues all over town as well as some discussion panels. In light of that, this episode...