WARNING: attempting to wear earplugs at any of The Foundation‘s live shows is futile…The Foundation will melt them into your skull. Nothing can prepare you for the top-fuel injected rawk & roll of The Foundation....
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Step right up folks and witness the degentrification of Southern California one sweet track at a time. Yes, in less than an hours time, you too can enter our musical blackhole and witness the fiery future of...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Nearly 80% of the world’s population uses caffeine, and 25% of the population is diagnosed with a mental disorder. Clinical studies indicate that there may be significant overlap between those figures, and that many...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Possibly our only episode so far with a smattering of colorful content comes just in time for Easter delivery along with a pair of earmuffs for the children. We are completely excited to bring you a bunch of new releases in...