“London based Parisian duo The Penelopes (Axel Basquiat and Vincent T.) release their new single ‘Time To Shine‘ on June 9th on Pour Le Monde. Produced by The Penelopes and mixed by Dan Grech-Marguerat...
Francobollo: We̵...
Adventuring their way across Europe these southbound Swedes now call Finsbury Park, London their spiritual home. After releasing two EPs and a couple of great self-produced videos (Basketball and I Found a Bike Today),...
Say Yes Dog: A Frien...
Currently based in The Hague, Netherlands, Say Yes Dog was founded a couple of years back by two Germans and one Luxembourg, Aaron Ahrends, Pascal Karier & Paul Rundel. The trio merges danceable synthesizer melodies...
Dolomite Minor: Let ...
In recent months, Dolomite Minor have gone from playing small venues around their hometown Southampton, to playing some of this summer’s major UK festivals (including Reading, Leeds and T in the Park) solely based on...
Blank Maps: Calm
Newcastle , UK band Blank Maps are releasing their new single ‘Lucky Dip’ on 14 October 2013 on Tiny Lights Recordings. The video for the A side is featured below, the B side is today’s Daily Dose. Main...
Sand: Clay
During the last few years Glasgow’s North Atlantic Oscillation have been steadily building both their fanbase and their reputation. Now Sam Healy, NAO’s frontman and songwriter, returns with Sand, a new solo...