I originally played Spacebar way back on episode #4 last August, and several times since then. In the meantime, their debut full-length album, ‘Our Fight,’ has been completed and released. They are working on the...
IR Orlando #12: Anti...
The Anti*Pop Music Fest hits Orlando next week. This is the second year for the festival, which includes a week of incredible shows at venues all over town as well as some discussion panels. In light of that, this episode...
IR Orlando #10
Wow, I’m finally in double digits! It’s been fun so far – I hope to bring you lots more great Central Florida music in future shows. I’d love some feedback from my listeners: where do you listen to...
IR Orlando #6
Hey gang, got some more great Central Florida music for you this. There’s a couple of revisits to favorite bands, and some awesome new stuff. Enjoy! Très Bien ‘Girl, You Ain’t...
IR Orlando #4
Hey everybody! I’m very excited to share more great tunes with you this week. I was able to clear some music that I’ve been working on for a couple of weeks, and I think you’ll see that it was worth the...