AMPED: Show #154 This week’s host: Rodrigo from Cowboy Cantor Show: Insomnia Radio: The SoCal Sessions Song: Scream (Nico Stai) Show: Indie Music Sampler Song: Follow Me Home (Breanna Paletta) Show: It’s A...
iProng Magazine: Ins...
Charles here. Recently I had the great opportunity to answer some questions asked of me by Bill Palmer, the editor in chief of iProng, the publication for iPhone, iPod, music, podcasting, and social media lovers. In this...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Todays new session is on the heels of a lot of changes across the network. What are they, you ask? Well, I’ve provided a link below if interested, but it boils down to being involved with adding a bit of extra music...
Insomnia Radio #153
Regional Roundup 5 A special Episode of Insomnia Radio – News, and a trip around the Regions Download | Subscribe [audio:] News Jason and Scott: MIA Mikey Dread: RIP Insomnia...