It feels good to showcase a track from the newest 2015 EP released from one of Santa Barbara’s best bands who formed in 1986 right after yesterday’s featured artist who also originated from the same region in...
The Olés: Sabado Tar...
Isla Vista, CA’s finest The Olés provide the perfect start to the Memorial Day weekend here in the US. In the vein of Rebelution, Iration, and their northern neighbors, The Expendables; they are an excellent new...
Dante Elephante: Hea...
Here is another release by Merrifield Records. It’s a really good record label, we tell you. You should definitely explore their site. As for today’s dose, and feeling the hot weather and willing to spend some...
IR: The Socal Sessio...
Yes, there’s a place where musicians instinctively flock like the Salmon of Capistrano. Well the quote goes something like that; obviously off quite a bit, but fits the random theme of the show. Just listen through...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Febuary’s thirteen track show starts off in a comedic rock vein with some strong local tracks inspired by Tenacious D and even containing their rock-god DNA stamped all over them. From here we take you into a stretch...
The Little Heroes: S...
Santa Barbara based band The Little Heroes were named after the sculpture figures drummer Adam Caldwell created for his art school thesis. The four-piece comprised of east coast natives got their start traveling round-trip...
Tripdavon: By The Ri...
From their recent third album Sketches From Silence Tripdavon is an independent band from Santa Barbara, California. Since forming in 2004, they’ve been featured on HBO’s hit show “Entourage,”...
AMPed New Music Week...
Mon, 9 March 2009 AMPED: Show #169 This week’s host: Rich Palmer from Audio Gumshoe Show: Cowboy Cantor Song: Ten O’Clock Murder (This Year’s Model) Show: Suffolk And Cool Song: Drip Dryin’ (The Two...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Thanks for checking out the 24th full length edition of The SoCal Sessions here at Insomnia Radio. Today we’ve gathered up fourteen excellent tracks from fourteen talented artists, breaking out in Long Beach via a...
Insomnia Radio #156:...
After Stuart’s 45 minute in-flight entertainment programming, our plane touches down in the Far East… well… far enough east – New Jersey. We begin our journey diving fist first into the action with...
IR: SoCal Mixtape -Y...
Todays mixtape celebrates the first year of the SoCal Sessions launching, which occurred this week, one year ago today, on the San Diego feed. Previous to the launch was a SoCal episode which Jason Evangelho, the main show...
IR: SoCal – Lo...
Welcome to a special edition of Insomnia SoCal. Today’s piece brings us a small sampling of performers auditioning at the Bodog Battle of the Bands coming here to the Southland over the next two weeks, with first...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Today’s session is almost entirely electronic in theme and heralds in several new albums from locals, including a new full length effort by the LA based electronica duo, ‘Techno Squirrels’, called...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Hey everyone! Today I’m giving away five CD’s from a great Santa Barbara band called The Coral Sea, so make sure you check this one out sometime during the week in order to have a chance to win. We’ve also...