Ryan Sollee: “I moved to Portland in the fall of 2003 from Alaska with my band at the time, The Born Losers, which played rockandroll/punk. After playing a ton of shows and a bit of touring with a lot of expectations, it...
Peter Broderick: Bel...
Copenhagen artist Peter Broderick is like the Swiss Army Knife of musicians; compact, elegant, multipurpose. What sets him apart is his restraint. With an arsenal of talents at his disposal, he prefers to reveal only one or...
Blind Pilot: Go On, ...
Israel Nebeker (vocals, guitar) and Ryan Dobrowski (drums) are Blind Pilot. Friends since college, Israel and Ryan have traveled many a mile to get to where they are today literally. Last year, Israel and Ryan embarked on...
Insomnia Radio #160:...
An overdue Insomnia-laden journey has left us saddle-sore as we have traveled long and far these last few months in order to document a motley assortment of musicians. We uncovered them amongst the wild trappers of...
Obscured By Clouds: ...
From the just-released album “Psycheclectic” by Portland Oregan Band Obscured By Clouds Obscured By Clouds steps out from behind all veils, preconceptions, or limitations here. This new music is a very...
Point Juncture, WA: ...
For five years Point Juncture, WA has been a collaboration between four Portland, OR. songwriters, instrumentalists, recording engineers, and friends: Amanda Spring (vocals, drums) Victor Nash (keyboards, vocals) Skyler...
Myshkin’s Ruby...
Myshkin has been touring non stop for over a decade, became an underground legend in her old home town of New Orleans, has released seven records, and been honored with awards and much critical praise. She has played clubs...
The Standard: Sunday...
Sunday Eyes is from Portland Oregon band, The Standard‘s fifth album, Swimmer, released in September on Partisan Records. Swimmer represents the collaborative song writing of Jay Clarke (keys), Rob Oberdorfer (bass),...
Mixtape: Shoreline S...
So you are done with Side A, no? If not, you’ve stumbled across the second side of our mixtape set tipping a hat toward the Siren Music Festival presented annually at Coney Island, NY by the Village Voice. The image...
Mixtape: Shoreline S...
On July 19, 2008 an incredible selection of musical talent assembled under the shadow of the famed eighty-one year old Cyclone rollercoaster at the storied community of Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York. This mixtape is a...
Blitzen Trapper: Wil...
Out of the fifty odd groups I saw in Texas this last March, Blitzen Trapper certainly earned itself a well fought best-in-show on my swollen showcase spreadsheet. The picture I took here is from their performance at the...
Anchor Down: Word Wa...
Attention all pastors, church leaders, and acolytes! Oh wait…S*#t. Wrong Anchordown. Out of Portland, Oregon sails a more fiery version of Anchor Down; swilling beer, belting out anthemic punk rock cannonfire as they...
IR Seattle #36: SubP...
Download | Subscribe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/irseattletheend.mp3] I figured it would be appropriate for IR Seattle to eventually make it’s entrance into the new website where it left off. The show has...
IR #104: Boston Devi...
Welcome back to classic IR! After hyper focusing on certain styles in Episodes 101-103, today’s show finds your always-caffeinated host back in typical form, playing all kinds of genre benders (From fringe-pop to jazz punk...