“Hungover Boxing Day” is the first track from “Christmas Candy“, a name-your-price collection of ten great holiday songs by renowned and Dutch indie bands, released in December of 2009. HBD comes...
MoweLan: Colored Lig...
“Colored Lights (feat. The Guild)” is a holiday track from Netherlands based synthwave producer, MoweLan, released on the 2013 Retro Promenade (Austin, TX label) holiday compilation, “It’s Christmas...
Someone: Forget Forg...
Dutch artist Someone (AKA Tessa Rose Jackson) unveils delicate new single Forget Forgive, out via [PIAS] Holland. The former cutesy singer-songwriter shakes off her previous self to explore the rockier depths of pop...
WJLP: The Graveyard ...
WJLP is William J. Le Petomane, a solo recording artist from Rotterdam, who “lost track of time somewhere between 1962 and 1973 and is making garage rock, beat, surf, sunshine pop, sci fi and horror themes and...
Endeavor & Speec...
Netherlands based chillwave artist Endeavor & Speechfuzz released a beautiful new single ‘Laces‘ this past Sunday, March 5th. We initially stumbled across this languidly unfolding piece over at Bandcamp, a...
St. Tropez: Democrac...
Following on from the release of their self-titled debut album last summer, Dutch garage outfit St. Tropez return with Democracy, the first single from their new EP Debate out 23rd February. Dealing with the band’s...
St. Tropez: Which Si...
Garage rockers St. Tropez have revealed their hugely infectious new single Which Side Are You On, taken from their self-titled debut album out 26th August via BLCT Records. Mixed by Grammy Award winning producer Rob...
Maartje Meijer ̵...
So Small is the first excellent bass clarinet punctuated jazz-pop single from the forthcoming new album Inner Circle, by Amsterdam based singer, pianist and composer Maartje Meijer. Maartje released her debut album Virgo...
Sofie Letitre: Slip
Utretch Netherlands based indie electro artist Sofie Letitre released The Uncanny Valley EP on the 21st of September, the first beautiful down-tempo single “Slip” having been released on July 5th. The entire new...
Crookram: Crookrilla
Netherlands based artist Crookram (Chris Angelovski) hails from The Hague, with today’s featured track coming from his 2010 release, ‘Through Windows’. Angelovski said much of his inspiration and many of...
Mr. Bukit: Leave
“Hailing from the east of the Netherlands, Mr. Bukit is a four piece indie rock band formed in the summer of 2014. The group’s musical style has been described as catchy reverb-ish indierock with postpunk,...
.sinh: two.late
We definitely love a good insomniac-inspired late night track here at the network, complete with a bit of sampled weather within helping us slip into a nice reflective state at the end of the day. This was especially a...
deeB: Call it a Day
deeB is Danny, a Leiden based musical producer in Phonophanatic, a collective of unsigned beatmakers from the Netherlands. His music is categorized as downtempo, trip-hop, instrumental hip-hop. The incredible new piece,...
Silence Is Sexy: Dav...
Silence Is Sexy, what a name, is a band from Utrecht, in Netherlands. With references from the 80’s, Joy Dividson and stuff, but also more recent acts like The Bravery, this band has released since 2005. Mind...
How to Throw a Chris...
Released last month in Utrecht Netherlands, twenty+ member ensemble indie pop act ‘How to Throw a Christmas Party’ have crafted an eclectic EP capturing the spirit of Christmas, or at least their distinct...
AC Berkheimer: Slow ...
AC Berkheimer is a Rotterdam [Netherlands] based quartet formed in mid 2005. They just released their second full-length album ‘We Tell Them Tonight’, after receiving international praise for their first album...
The Black Atlantic: ...
Hailing from Groningen (The Netherlands), The Black Atlantic is an acoustic pop quartet, formed around singer-songwriter and former Shai Hulud frontman, Geert van der Velde. With an ambient feel that tickles the nerves of...
We Swim You Jump: 12...
Happy New Year from We Swim You Jump and Insomnia Radio We swim you jump is not about sports, it’s about songs. This is from their recently released EP on Subroutine Records. We Swim You Jump is Richard...
The Very Sexuals: Ca...
From Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands, this is from their album Post-Apocalyptic Love, available to pre-order or free download from their Website theverysexuals.com or myspace.com/theverysexuals The Very...
AC Berkheimer: For H...
AC Berkheimer is a Rotterdam [Netherlands] based quartet formed in mid 2005, who combines fierce guitar riffs with dark and dreamy vocals. A sound that can also be described as a wall of melancholy if you wish. In April...