The NY sultronica duo of HBA (or Hot Bitch Arsenal as you might have known them), unfortunately disbanded last year, with some high publicity over the last few years from the likes of Amie Street and ...
Insomnia Radio #159:...
The year is obviously 2008, not 2005 as the evil announcer at the show header describes. Yes, as you will quickly notice, there is some sort of robotic, computer, and videogame nerdery meshed together unseamlessly in this...
Hot Bitch Arsenal: F...
Hot Bitch Arsenal has one tight package. Seriously, Kim & Christina went to some lengths to mail out some great swag baskets containing HBA t-shirts and much more over a year ago to which we are eternally grateful. I...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
After last week’s session we do a quick 180 and bring in New Years with an all-electronica celebration. In honor of all the DJ driven events that occur every year-end all the way from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, we...
Insomnia Radio #110:...
Running Time: 57 minutes | Worksafe | Ideal for Headphones & Darkness On Insomnia Radio 103, I took a chance and featured all hip-hop. It went over surprisingly well. With that in mind, I dedicate this entire episode...