Hey gang! I can’t accurately express the myriad of feelings (including anxiety & excitement) I experienced leading up to this episode, nor the overwhelming sense of completion and contentedness when it was...
Chance: Life & ...
We’ve championed Chance on this network since Insomnia Radio Episode #5. It’s always difficult to choose a single song to highlight from his catalog, and while Life & Life Only is an exemplary example of...
Insomnia Radio #161 ...
No, we didn’t win the mustard yellow belt this past year, but we accumulated so many tracks last year and through the first few weeks of 2009, we’ve felt over-gorged on music and wanted to start sharing some with...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
The New Year has arrived and what better inspiration moving forward then to hear four brand new releases by three old local friends to the network: Chance, Nico Stai, and The Black Watch; as well as one new courtesy of TMC...
Chance: Happening
After a notable period over which he issued three EP sized collections of singles, Los Angeles based musician Chance has just released his newest long awaited pièce de résistance, “”Famous Words &...
New Media Expo: 2008...
This last week, the New Media Expo arrived for the fourth time at its new home, the Las Vegas Convention Center. For the newly named 2008 Expo, I had the pleasure of staying with fellow content producer from Detroit, Mikel...
The Best Music You&#...
Enjoy the fifth volume of Scott Tinetti’s The Best Music You’ve Never Heard. As always, if you like what you hear, buy a song, buy an album, send the musicians some...
The Best Music You’v...
[audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/tbmynh4.mp3] Download [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/tbmynh4.mp3] Download...
IR New Zealand #5: C...
Ho Ho Hooooooo! Welcome to Insomnia Radio: New Zealand and Merry Christmas to all. Tonight I have for you a varied collection of songs to get you into the Christmas mood. This is a no talking show, just some great Christmas...
Insomnia Radio #149:...
From a self hosted bittorrent feed, handwritten RSS code, iPodio, Libsyn, the anti podsquad rant, AMP, the first 5 listeners, and most notably a ton of great music: The first 20 episodes of the show was a very memorable...
IR: San Francisco #5...
Welcome to Episode 50 of the show! I’m switching up the format slightly here, as I don’t do any real talking until the very end. Instead, I’ll let other show hosts and artists do the talking for me! Enjoy...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Mini-Novela Catorce: Episode fourteen receives a Bitter:Sweet slap and enters the world on an electronic wave of bossa nova followed by a live Jazz Bakery performance by sweltering vocalist, Sara Gazarek. Leo from the TLP...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
We’ve got an assortment of superb tracks for you in this session, starting with a blast of rock-oxygen from the Kristin Hersh fronted group, 50 Foot Wave, and ending on a jazzy tear jerker, “Yours” from LA...
Insomnia Radio #116:...
May 2006 was a surprisingly uneventful month for IR…but there were plenty of musical gems. Enjoy! MAY 2006 RETROSPECTIVE 1) Syntenic – Beat My Chest 2) Fusion – Saccharine 3) Chance – Independent ...
Insomnia Radio #114:...
March was simply chaotic. 9 episodes of IR, a live production w/ Chance, The Thieves, and Recliner. Working full time. Regional shows launching, a run with advertising, phew! But as always, music took center stage. MARCH...
IR: San Francisco #2...
This week, I take you on a musical journey that explores the solo artist. For better or for worse, these guys are in complete control of their music. Hope you enjoy it as much as I...
Insomnia Radio #107:...
Running Time: 48minutes IR 107 finds us exploring a tale of two motion soundtracks, reggae ‘n’ roll from Germany, the next undiscovered Nirvana, a rare track from the Shakes, and more great music from around the...
Insomnia Radio #105:...
NOT WORKSAFE For the 1st time since IR #15, I sat down with a co-host (the more than capable Scott Tinetti of IR:SF), some beers, and a truly special sandal. Episode 105 finds us also discussing everything from major labels...
Insomnia Radio #103:...
Running Time: 56:03 | NOT Worksafe or Childsafe Apparently I’m just determined to throw you curveballs 3 episodes in a row. IR #103 takes us down a musical path filled with dense percussion, danceable beats, and rapid...
Insomnia Radio #101:...
IR 101 stretches out to the 70 minute mark with 12 stellar tracks, leaning towards the moody, the mellow, and the melancholy. This collection of tracks is really suited for a gloomy day or winding down late at night. Enjoy,...