Welcome to Insomnia Radio: Australia episode 25. This episode features Australians based in Australia, Australians based overseas & overseas residents now calling Australia home – all of which is fine with Erk! A...
IR: Australia 22 ...
Welcome to episode 22 of Insomnia Radio: Australia! Erk likes it when PR companies help to make creating a playlist really easily. On this episode, Erk features some artists who have been on Insomnia Radio: Australia before...
IR: Australia #21 &#...
Welcome to episode 21 of Insomnia Radio: Australia. Continuing with the weekly format, Erk thought that he would revisit his debut gig as a promoter last year, Erkstock. Held to celebrate his birthday, Erk selected a range...
IR: Australia #20 &#...
Welcome back to Insomnia Radio: Australia! Erk’s been off seeing the world again including a trip to America, Mexico & a Caribbean cruise on 70000 Tons Of Metal. Erk is pleased to announce that Insomnia Radio:...