After 2 years from the last episode of IR Turkey we are back with a new episode and new songs. A lot has happened in this 2 year period and it was really impossible to produce a show. However, it’s in the past and IR...
IR Turkiye #6: Yenid...
Tam iki sene sonra IR Türkiye’nin 6. bölümü ile karsinizdayiz. Uzun bir aradan sonra mikrofon basina hem de tek basima oturmanin zorlugu ile geçen ama yine harika parçalarin oldugu bir bölüm oldu bu. Benim...
IR Turkiye #5: Pek B...
Evet, sonunda bekleyis bitti ve IR Turkiye’nin 5. bolumu ile tekrar birlikteyiz. Bu kadar uzun sure ayri kalmak inanin bizi de rahatsiz etti ve 5. bolumu yayinladigimiz icin simdi cok iyi hissediyoruz kendimizi....
IR Turkey #5: The On...
IR Turkey #5 is here and it is such a relief to finally release it. This one is a 4 song episode and we still have great songs. Also, Hande is back. We talk about the songs, Turkish food and play the tunes....
IR Turkiye #4: Bomba...
Tekrar merhabalar herkese. Sonunda 4. bolum ile karsinizdayiz. Aslinda IR Turkiye dinleyicilerine, hayranlarina ait bir hitap sekli bulmaliyiz degil mi? Boyle hep “herkese merhabalar” tarzi girisler heyecansiz...
IR Turkey #4: The On...
Hi everyone, the 4th episode of IR Turkey is here. You know what, we need to find a name for you IR Turkey fans. It is becoming lame to say “Hi everyone”. How would you like to be called? In this episode, I am...
IR Turkiye #3: Kural...
Bir onceki yayinin ardindan istedigimden biraz fazla zaman gecti fakat 3. Bolum ile tekrar buradayiz. Her zamanki gibi FM radyonuzda duyamayacaginiz harika sarkilar yer aliyor bu bolumde de. Bu bolumde Hande yine bana eslik...
IR Turkey #3: The On...
It is been a little longer than I would like since the previous episode but life interfered and we could not get it done earlier. However, as always we have some great music lined up for you. In this 3rd episode I am joined...
IR Turkiye #2: Hande...
Herkese tekrar merhaba. IR Turkiye’nin ikinci bolumu ile tekrar karsinizdayim. Bu sefer daha iyi bir mikrofon, daha iyi bir ses kalitesi ve yine 5 harika grup ve sarki ile beraberiz. Ayrica bir de surprizim var...
IR Turkey #2: The On...
Hello again. I am here with the second episode of IR Turkey. In this episode, I had a better microphone, a better sound quality, 5 great bands and songs. Also, there is surprise! This episode is “The One with My...
IR Turkiye #1
Herkese merhabalar, ben Turker Keskinpala, Insomnia Radyo Turkiye Podcast’inin sunucusuyum. Hep beraber IR Turkiye ile Turk bagimsiz muzigini kesfe cikiyoruz. Bu fikrin olusmasi ve uygulanmasi arasinda cok zaman gecti...
Insomnia Radio Turke...
Hey everyone, this is Turker Keskinpala, your host for Insomnia Radio Turkey. We are going to take a wild ride to the world of Turkish music. There is a very a long time between the birth of the idea and this day but I am...