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IR Canada Show 204 -More Auterua

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Welcome back! I hope 2023 is treating everyone well. We’re back with another show where all the tracks have come from Auteura!
- Zoey Leven – A Pretty Girl – Vancouver, BC
- Kodiak Arcade – You and Me – Canada
- Luke Warm and The Cold Ones – Paradise Lost – Thunder Bay, ON
- Faiyaz and The Wasted Chances – Flutters – BToronto, ON
- Sufferin Mall – Crushed – Toronto, ON New Friends – Doomed – London, ON
Thank you listeners for taking the time to listen to my show. Thank you, Bands, Musicians, and promoters for sending me music. I thought as things around here are about to change again, I should update this (and partially to see who stops by the page). So my day job is ending September 2nd, 2022. A few weeks ago, I started streaming on Twitch. As I don’t make any money from this podcast and what comes in from Patreon goes right back into the show to cover bills (internet, electricity), I figured if I could make Affiliate status on Twitch and start getting kickbacks it might tide me over until I found a remote work from home job. I’d be thrilled if you stopped by my Twitch channel and gave me a follow and watched some of my live streams to help me reach that goal.
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- email: chris at insomniaradio dot net
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