Plants: The Hill

Plants Plants is a collaboration of cousins, Alex Valenzuela and Gabe Lefno, from Surrey, BC [Canada]. Plants mainly works with the psychedelic genre but also dips into indie rock as well. Both Alex and Gabe have been involved with playing and recording music for the past 8 years, they both have the full ability play guitar, bass, and drums, with Alex as lead vocals. Plants is currently writing and recording music to hone in on their wide array of genres that they play. Their teamwork started four years ago with Alex messing around with electronic/house music on Reason 6, while Gabe was writing rock songs on guitar. Gabe noticed that with his ability to write music on guitar and Alex’s ability to produce and refine recordings digitally could go hand in hand to create some cool sounds in a band called Plants. [bio on Jamendo]

Today’s Dose is from their album ‘Stranger’ released in May

The Hill by Plants is licenced under an Attribution (CC BY) Creative Commons licence (via Jamendo)


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