BOA: Steal It

BOA Bristol-via-Brighton [UK] trio BOA are stepping it up with latest single Steal It.

Laid-back tropical grooves and taut guitars provide a bed for vocalist Hugh Reilly-Smith’s hazy recollection of a fleeting, bleary late night romance- symbolic of a wider calling to youthful abandon.

‘‘When listening we want people to feel the intensity of young unrequited love’ explains Reilly-Smith, ‘Everyone can relate to falling for someone they view as so perfect, that they become unattainable.’ ’Steal It’ is a song about putting that person on a pedestal and mirroring everything they do, especially the darker things, in a vain attempt to win them over’

Casting themselves as underdogs in this lusty exchange rings true with the band’s overall outlook and musical ethos. Indeed the group’s name comes from the trio joking about being ‘Better Off Alone!’ after outside meddling scuppered early musical projects. Taking strength from this, BOA forge their own path, simultaneously inspiring armchair escapism and seize-the-day action with their fresh, euphoric sound.

As Reilly-Smith says: “our music is about endless summer days, lost love and being in the moment. We want to keep on capturing that”.

‘Steal It’ is released by Manchester-based independent label LAB Records on March 17th. [via Super Cat PR]


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