IR Canada Show 40 We’re Back! (Repost)


It’s hard to believe that life has kept me so busy over the summer months that I didn’t manage to get a single show out here!  There were lots of changes over the summer and one that I’m thrilled to share with you on the show. So tune in, listen along and find out all the news!  Also a big thanks to all the bands who have submitted music over the past two years.   I’m always looking for new music and bumpers or features.  If I have played your music and you’d love more exposure on the show I’m always up for doing interviews!


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Goodnight, Sunrise

Song: Gold Star

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Song: What We Signed Up For

Web,  Twitter


The Body Politic

Song: Armature

Web Site, Facebook, Twitter

Video: Armature Guira Play through



Song: Japetus

Web Site, Facebook, Reverbnation


Chasing Eidolon

Song: Set Me Free

Web Site, Facebook, Twitter



Song: Tuck The Waves To Sleep

Website, Facebook, Twitter



Song: Don’t Believe

Website, Facebook, Twitter


Automatic Toys

Song: Dancing With The Devil

Website, Facebook, Twitter


Aviator Shades

Song: Chasing Sunsets

Website, Facebook, Twitter


Delhi To Dublin

Song: Tommy

Website, Facebook, Twitter


Heather Dale

Song: Fortune

Website, Facebook, Twitter

Fortune Video


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