IR: Australia #20 Welcome To The Jetplane Era

IR Australia logo_FINAL_300Welcome back to Insomnia Radio: Australia! Erk’s been off seeing the world again including a trip to America, Mexico & a Caribbean cruise on 70000 Tons Of Metal. Erk is pleased to announce that Insomnia Radio: Australia is back & will be on a weekly basis! Erk produces a weekly Australian music podcast called Erk FM: Australia & it seems silly for Insomnia Radio fans to miss out on a weekly show while producing IR: Australia maybe once a month at best. So to use an Australian term, Erk decided to kill two birds with the one stone.



Because of the trip, the associated preparations and the extra content upon returning, Erk has not been to many gigs in Australia lately. His last gig before leaving for the US was Evil Ugly’s single launch featuring Domino & his first Australian gig for 2013 was Domino’s album launch. If you’ve ever seen Domino live and/or heard them on Erk FM or here on IR: Australia, you are in for a treat.


In addition, Andy Mac has been busy not only getting his KANG out but also launching himself as a solo artist (The Andy Mac Experience? LOL). Does this mean no more Simpsons references, Andy? There’s also a couple of artists who have had a name change since the last time they were played on Erk FM – indeed they are making their IR: Australia debut! 


Aimee Francis has been jet-setting just like Erk. Arriving into America just after Erk left, Aimee’s fresh from an appearance at 2013 SXSW & touring around the US. Quite appropriately, her new single is called Jetplane. Later this year, Aimee will be supporting Pink in Sydney. Hey, finally a good reason to go to a Pink concert!


In addition, Erk is wading through his email inbox so there will be a lot of great music to listen to this week!


Music on this episode supplied by the artist & used with permission, Uptone Entertainment &  SGC Media.





Song list (song times are approximate):