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The Finger: Die! Die Superhero!
If you follow football, the round ball sport, you probably will ask “how come a Portuguese guy is posting a song from a band based in Greece”? Well, 2004 was 7 years ago. I don’t remember anything, just the Greece shirt I was wearing the first day Portugal team played against Greece. Well, I remember the Portuguese goalkeeper blocking last England’s penalty shot and scoring right away. Oh, good memories…
Music is what we’re here for, and what better track could we feature by a band based in Greece then Die! Die Superhero? We haven’t heard many good news from Greece lately, but we’re shure The Finger will change the way you look at that mediterranean country.
I Don’t Believe My Eyes is the album to be released soon. The track you are listening today is an excellent preview of it.
[audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/dailydose/irdd-thefinger-diediesuperhero.mp3]The Finger
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“Die! Die Superhero!” on insomniaradio.net podcast and review « The Finger
The Finger: I Don’t Believe My Eyes | Insomnia Radio: Indie Music Network