Love the Bomb: Potential

Love the Bomb“Half-android, Ahye hides the formula for love in her still-human heart (the Oculons seek to destroy this, in order to extinguish life on earth forever!)

Captain Braxton, her lost love, has been on another planet fighting the Oculons. Returning to earth (meanwhile crashing his spaceship), he attempts to regain her love with various musical attempts at valor. This is the first of them.

Act 1, Scene 1:

Setting: Earth. Braxton sees Ahye for the first time, and is saddened that she has forgotten about him.

Braxton: You say we’re all used up, but I still think we’ve got potential.

Released 05 May 2011

Performed by Jonathan Smith and Natasha Adorlee Johnson.” [Bandcamp Bio]


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