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Tigers That Talked: 23 Fears
Since forming Tigers That Talked in 2006, singer-songwriter and guitarist Jamie Williams, bassist Owain Kelly, violinist Glenna Larsen and drummer Chris Verney have been patiently and meticulously honing their sound while releasing a series of critically acclaimed singles.
The result of their fortitude is The Merchant, a truly special debut record. Beautiful and fragile yet uplifting and defiant, The Merchant is a collection of songs that combine the emotional depth associated with art-folk with a pop sensibility that will no doubt appeal to mainstream audiences.
The Merchant contains previous singles Artificial Clouds, Black Heart, Blue Eyes and this single 23 Fears, released on November 1st, 2010.
You can also grab another track from their Black Hearts, Blue Eyes EP here!
Tweets that mention Xmas continues. We've got the newest single from UK's TIGERS THAT TALKED up on the Dose - 23 Fears: -- Topsy.com
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