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Tunabunny: Flowers on the Stage
Subversive indie rockers Tunabunny release debut album on Happy Happy Birthday to Me Records
Growing up in Athens, Georgia surrounded by a surplus of instruments and boredom, Tunabunny set out to remind people that pop/rock music shouldn’t be about technical ability or social networking. They’re wrong of course. Pop/rock music in the 21st century is a played-out corpse picked over by overprivileged boys and girls hoping to manufacture a personality for themselves out of something that other people think is cool. That is why Tunabunny thinks of pop/rock as something that should be destroyed, or at the very least subverted, but would probably be better for everyone involved if it simply ceased to exist. The members of Tunabunny are interested in revolution, which, contrary to popular thought, ceased to exist in the pop/rock world a long time ago, even as a latent impulse. As such, Tunabunny wonders just what it is doing here, and what exactly it hopes to accomplish. [Bio]
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