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Out of the Afternoon: I won’t forget you
Taking their name from a Roy Haynes album, Out of the Afternoon came together in August 2007, and began playing concerts a few months later. Core members Anna Sales, Nicholas Millard, Steven Eagles and Alex Szrok soon developed a musical ease and creative understanding whilst quickly shaping an album’s worth of material.
This material was subsequently recorded with producer Pritpal Soor throughout 2008 and 2009, no short period, but with no budget and no place to record other than a damp squat in Fulham, this slow pace yielded fine results.
What resulted is a collection of music that captures the very nature of the band, varied and exciting, experimental and melodic. Four individual musical personalities, supported by a cast of other talented contributors, come together in these sessions, to create a unique and rich collection.
All band members currently reside in South East London, enjoying the area’s low rent prices, excellent public transport links and the general plethora of jerk chicken restaurants. While not playing their own music they like listening to – amongst a great many others – Jerry Dammer’s Spatial AKA Orchestra, The Beach Boys, Wayne Shorter, Scott Walker, Deaf School, Parliament, Bill Evans, XTC, The Meters and, of course, Roy Haynes. [Bio @ T61]
[audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/dailydose/irdd-outoftheafternoon-iwontforgetyou.mp3]Download | Subscribe | Subscribe in iTunes | Subscribe to All
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- Out of the Afternoon
“I Won’t Forget You” (mp3)
- from “I Won’t Forget You”
- (Tape Music)
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