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Insomnia Radio: Portugal #6 – Obrigado!!!
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Obrigado!!! This podcast is now part of the Association of Music Podcasting. Head over to http://musicpodcasting.org/ to know what I am talking about, and listen to the best podcasts of the world and great independent music.During this show, you will know why I should always say obrigado, and never obrigada.
As for the music, you will listen to:
1: Cintura – Zero Sete http://www.cinturapt.com/ (free mp3)
2: Bueno.Sair.Es – Buenos Aires… y tu a qué sabes http://bueno.sair.es/ (free mp3)
3: ÖLGA – Dice http://olgamusic.com/
4: Jamandizen – Against the Wind http://www.myspace.com/flaviocristovam
5: Concealment – Eye http://www.myspace.com/concealment
[audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/irportugal6.mp3]DOWNLOAD Episode 6 | SUBSCRIBE (RSS) | SUBSCRIBE in iTunes
Make sure to look for the artists you are listening in your favourite store, or their site store, as you can always leave a comment in the podcast site, or send it to portugal@insomniaradio.net