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Typhoon: Starting Over (Bad Habits)
Portland’s Kyle Morton sings the first line of Typhoon’s Hunger & Thirst, “I’ve started a new beginning… suspiciously like the old one, only this time, I’m ready”, with the bravery and trepidation of someone who is staring down a familiar path, with all its known challenges and potential pitfalls, surrounded by his dearest longtime friends.
These are songs about striving for what you want, then realizing that once you have it, you don’t want it anymore; that maybe that elusive “thing” was never really the issue anyway. Morton sings about the searches, in all their permutations, the bruises healed by those important to you, impermanence, joy, and finding peace within the incessant desire that has always been man’s burden.
“Hunger and Thirst” officially releases today on Tender Loving Empire.
- Typhoon @ MySpace
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“Starting Over (Bad Habits)” (mp3)
from “Hunger and Thirst”
(Tender Loving Empire)
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