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IR: New York #11
Episode number 11 of Insomnia Radio New York.
Recording Date: Saturday 06 February 2010
TRT: 37:54
Rating: Slightly NSFW
[audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/irny11.mp3]Download | Subscribe | Subscribe in iTunes | Subscribe to The Superfeed
Tracklisting and linkage:
Shayna Zaid and The Catch: Blow | Myspace | shaynazaid.com | Twitter | Purchase EP
Alcoholic Faith Mission: Nut in Your Eye | Myspace | Facebook | Purchase album
Million Year Echo: Head Up | Myspace | Facebook | Twitter | Garageband (free downloads) | PureVolume (free downloads)
Ben Franklin: Tell Us How You Really Feel | myspace | wearebenfranklin.com | Facebook | Twitter |Purchase album
Emanuel and the Fear: Dear Friend | Myspace | Facebook | Preorder album | Order tickets for EATF’s concert with NYU Symphony Orchestra
Kirsten Dehaan: 1984 | Myspace | kirstendehaan.com/ |Facebook | Purchase album
Exile Kings: My Autumn Son | Myspace | exilekingsmusic.com | Purchase album
MUSIC BEDS: Aarktica (various songs from the album In Sea) | Myspace | aarktica.net | Purchase album
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Justin Wayne · 779 weeks ago