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One Day As A Lion: Wild International
One Day As A Lion is an on-going creative collaboration between two like-conscioused individuals, Zack de la Rocha (Rage Against The Machine) and Jon Theodore (Mars Volta). We’re featuring this song by them just after Christmas to reflect the unprecedented and successful campaign to get RATM’s Killing In The Name to be the Christmas Number One in the UK.
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Rage Against the Machine ended Simon Cowell’s four year domination of the UK Christmas charts after a hugely popular Facebook campaign helped the Los Angeles nu-metallers snatch the Christmas number one slot from X-factor’s Joe McEdlerry.
More than half a million people downloaded the band’s famously anti-authoritarian and expletive laden track “Killing in the Name” in what was seen as a broad protest against the increasing influence of manufactured pop music. All the royalties from the sales were donated by the band to Shelter the homeless charity. |
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