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The Good Graces: Bad Driver
The Good Graces was formed in early 2007 when Kim Ware, founder of Eskimo Kiss Records, picked up a $90 guitar from Atlanta’s late great Lakewood Antiques Market and started fiddling around with some simple chords and melodies. It wasn’t long before those simple chords and melodies turned into catchy, heartfelt indiepop tunes. Having been through a tumultous divorce just three years prior, failed relationships were on her mind. She began exploring themes of heartache and hope, while both relecting on the past and looking forward to a happy future. The songs came very easily, so much that many of them seemed to write themselves.
From the beginning, Kim only wanted to write songs and have fun and never even intended to make a record; she would have been happy just singing my songs to my dogs on my front porch. But the fact that people been able to connect with and appreciate the songs is a real honor and something that inspires her every day. [ioda]
Bad Driver is from Kim’s new 2009 release “Bring on the Tambourines!”, available from Eskimo Kiss Records at the links below. Other band members include Jim Combs (keyboards, backing vocals) and John McNicholas (lead guitar, backing vocals).
- The Good Graces Website
- tGG @ MySpace
- tGG @ Eskimo Kiss Records
- Eskimo Kiss Records @ Facebook
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