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The Lovely Feathers: Lowiza
The Lovely Feathers started out, as most of many do, as a band in a bedroom in an old apartment in Montreal. Shortly after being signed to Equator Records, they embarked on a sixty-three day North American Tour opening for METRIC in the autumn of 2005
Shortly after this tour, in the April of 2006, they released their album, Hind Hind Legs, in stores across Canada and the US, produced by their new friend Jimmy Shaw of Metric and their producer, engineer and A&R representative of yore, Drew Malamud .
After this timeframe they proceeded on their way with North American tours playing with groups like Dr. Dog, Spinto Band,, Man Man, Islands, Tokyo Polic Club, The Most Serene Republic, and Tapes n’Tapes to name a few. So it goes…
And it goes to where they are today.
The Lovely Feathers, several years finer, have signed with Sparks Music and released their new album, “Fantasy of the Lot” in August here in the US. ‘Lowiza’ is the lead-off track on the album. [bio]
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