Look out Paramore!
A 750ml Affair: Seco...
Pour yourself a drink. Place those expensive headphones gently over your ears. Turn the lights down. Light a few candles and a stick of Nag Champa. Kick back in that comfy chair you inherited from your Grandpa. Close your...
IR: UK #69 – L...
Episode number 69 of Insomnia Radio UK. Welcome to this somewhat delayed episode. Eight songs from UK artists. Recording Date: Friday 29 May 2009 TRT: 36:40 Rating: Work...
Black Moth Super Rai...
From their album Eating Us Black Moth Super Rainbow come from deep within the woods of Western Pennsylvania. An actual, 5-member band not comprised of the expected laptops and sequencers, BMSR is a psyche-pop group in...
Apteka: The Sheet
What if Jane’s Addiction had been more inspired by Ride and late 80’s U2? What if Perry Ferrell would have been a little less neurotic and a touch more intense? What if a band said “You know, shoegaze could...
Insomnia Radio #165:...
Hey gang! I can’t accurately express the myriad of feelings (including anxiety & excitement) I experienced leading up to this episode, nor the overwhelming sense of completion and contentedness when it was...
Deastro: Vermillion ...
When Randolph Chabot first began recording his own albums at age 12, he discovered a means of living out his fantasies. Using whatever instrument he could find, Chabot began constructing hyper-emotional dream...
IR Detroit #26: Inte...
[audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/irdetroit26.mp3] IR:Detroit returns with a great interview with a band that has roots with Scott Sigler and his first podiobook, Earthcore- The Transfer! A lot has happened with the...
The Watermarks: R.A....
From their EP I Will Still Be Wishing “If Phil Spector made an album with Jesus & Mary Chain and New Order it would sound like The Watermarks.” “Imagine rock, pop, and electronics creating a wall of...
Nelo: Footsteps
[audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/dailydose/irdd-nelo-footsteps.mp3] For Matt Ragland, primary songwriter and acoustic guitarist, the release of their debut album, nelo, was a dream nearly 10 years in the making; going...
Drew Danburry: Memor...
Drew Danburry is a musician who has toured independently and released records independently for approximately five years or so. He can’t remember all the specifics of his wack life, otherwise we’d know all the...
Jóan Petur: Times ha...
Jóan Petur is the first Faroese artist to be featured on Insomnia Radio, and this is from his album Bow & Arrow Jóan Petur is from the Faroe Islands. He is 27 years old, and educated as a chef. Jóan Petur is a...
Miss Morrison’...
Sarah Morrison brings you Miss Morrison’s Mixtape #1, a song from every independent artist and band reviewed on Miss Morrison’s Mix for Insomnia Radio. Most of these tracks were IR Daily Doses and they’re...
The Perfects: Come D...
We all miss Insomnia Radio Baltimore, but thankfully Tim Poggioli is still out in the trenches tipping us off to great Baltimore music… Ric Peters is The Perfects (much like Trent Reznor is NIN), and as Tim...
Peter Broderick: Bel...
Copenhagen artist Peter Broderick is like the Swiss Army Knife of musicians; compact, elegant, multipurpose. What sets him apart is his restraint. With an arsenal of talents at his disposal, he prefers to reveal only one or...
Alchemy: Remember Me
From their EP Twilight Zone Alchemy are a Pop / Progressive Rock band Alchemy from Milan, Italy. Keep an eye on their website alchemy-rockband.it for gig dates to be announced in the future....
The Authors: In the ...
Another great band from Montreal in Canada Having each been implicated in numerous musical endeavors over the years, Pierre-Olivier Papineau and Keven Carrière united in October 2005 in an effort to concentrate on a...
Yesterday’s Ri...
Yesterday’s Ring was started in 2000 on a hot summer day on the front porch of a punk house in Memphis, TN. Fred Jacques (guitar and vocals) and Hugo Mudie (vocals) were on tour with their band, The Sainte Catherines....
The Bloodsugars: Pur...
We last featured The Bloodsugars on Insomnia Radio #112, waaayyy back in a time known as January 2006. We were floored by the organic, infectious hooks of “Bloody Mary” and the gang definitely have not abandoned...
No IR UK show today
The weekend’s Insomnia Radio: UK show has been postponed owing to circumstances beyond my control (thanks BT – rant to follow). Hopefully IR UK 69 will be with you shortly.
Cosmicray: 1000 Year...
From their 2007 album Love is, recently re-released on IODA. From Greece, Cosmicray is a project of Aggelos Mourvatis. The members of the band are: John Jeff Touch – Vocals Panos “Kargas” Karagiannis...
Hello Seahorse!: Bes...
While exploring some online documentation about the Mexico City based group Simplifires, I ran across another great independent three-piece from the city, surprisingly with another English name – Hello Seahorse! As...
The Winter Sounds: T...
The album is an intricate masterpiece, piecing together individually beautiful and unique tracks to create a warming, powerful album full of contrast and intrigue.
800beloved: Colours
8OObeloved is a Michigan-based group formed from the writing & production of singer/songwriter, Sean Lynch. The group’s moniker, taken from a 1-800 telephone number, hints at the merger between two opposing themes...
Adam Faucett: Salton...
After putting out two records under the name taught the rabbits – “one but just another” (2002) & “mallet and watch” (2005) – Adam Faucett...
Insomnia Radio #164:...
Today’s episode warms us up a bit with a healthy dose of rock from UK, Canada, New York, Mexico City (and beyond) before our founder, Jason Evangelho takes over the controls for IR #165. The name of this episode has...
The Morning Stars: S...
Their new album Radiation reviewed by Sarah Morrison The Morning Stars hail from Hamilton, Canada, although you’d never believe it to listen to their music because they sound as if they’d be right at home in...
IR Orlando #27: Oran...
This episode will give you a taste of the Orange You Glad music festival, which will be hitting Orlando from May 14 – 17. The festival will feature lots of local bands, along with some terrific not-so-local bands....
Say Hi (To Your Mom)...
Today is obviously Mother’s Day in most parts and as a reminder-tribute, we are cuing up an oligatory track by Seattle’s “Say Hi (To Your Mom)”, titled something along the lines of “Oh” x...
IR: UK #68 – N...
Episode number 68 of Insomnia Radio UK. An interesting mix of hard rock and some downtempo, dubstep and post rock Recording Date: Sunday 10 May 2009 TRT: 54:37 Rating: Work...
The Sunray Estate: S...
I have no idea what to say about these guys. What can be gathered from their decidedly minimalistic website are these decidedly vague facts: The list of people who haven’t helped them is much longer than the list of...
Chance: Life & ...
We’ve championed Chance on this network since Insomnia Radio Episode #5. It’s always difficult to choose a single song to highlight from his catalog, and while Life & Life Only is an exemplary example of...