Insomnia Radio #161 Bursting at the Seams

Insomnia Radio #161No, we didn’t win the mustard yellow belt this past year, but we accumulated so many tracks last year and through the first few weeks of 2009, we’ve felt over-gorged on music and wanted to start sharing some with you while we recover from this champion binge session.

The format of today’s show is slightly different in the sense there are no themes really – just a bit of dialogue, and some great musical incentive to down your 161 hot dogs to.

Today’s competitors are:


TRT: 40:13 | WORK SAFE

IR Superfeed (new!)
Dare Dukes @ Twitter
Chance @ Twitter
Signal Hill @ Twitter
Association of Music Podcasters

Image by Vidiot used under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License