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Teddy Boys: Baby You’re the Best
Out of Cedar Falls, Iowa, the Teddy Boys have managed to revive the sounds of 60’s Britain in the Corn Belt, the soil apparently UK friendly last year, with another crop of songs promised to be germinating in the sonic fields this year.
“Baby You’re the Best” is from the Teddy Boys debut LP “Love After Dark”, planted, harvested, and then released in late 2007 on the Tyros label. The group is currently at work on their 2nd LP and have been touring much of July, running the gang gauntlet via tourvan in the late of night in Omaha, unsuccessfully dodging drive-by pellet gun attacks, and engaging in drunken sharpie shenanigans and light-hearted 4am yard pranks.
For some oddball reason, I’m envisioning their tour as a Mentos-like video for Insomniacs, where everything is ultra-cheerful in the end as the sun comes up. Join the lovefest and head over to SnoCap where all songs on “Love After Dark” can be purchased additive free. [cs]
chris · 867 weeks ago