IR SoCal: Local Show Preview The Echo 5/13/08

5/13/08 - The EchoHark! Three incredible groups are coming to one epic local LA venue, this Tuesday evening (5/13), starting at 9pm sharp.

Friend and classy wordsmith of “The Black Watch”, John, told me that his band will be cracking into a fresh show at the Echo, and naturally I was surprised to hear his troubadours will include Steve Schayer (Ex- The Chills/Clay Idols).

All three groups performing have new albums that just released or are about to drop, and we are also very excited to present the following gems excavated from our audio spelunking:

1) The Black Watch – On Another Plane
2) Port O’Brien – Five and Dime
3) Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – I Think I Wanna Die

Artist online stores: TBW | POB | SSLYBY

Manny Motta… motta.. motta…