IR SoCal Fireside Theatre: Cry Havoc

Cry HavocClearing the palette after a complex musical odyssey in Texas, I figured what would be better than heading to a punk show down on the edge of Newport Beach in order to cleanse some of the cloying pretentious hipster residue out of the system, and make my ears finally ring.

Just past midnight on Sunday morning, a friend and I had the pleasure of watching the Huntington Beach/LA based group, “Cry Havoc” assault a local crowd with their fiery punk rock ‘Easter hymns’ in the early morning hours. Can I get a witness?

I had seen this group a few times before, as they were in a battle of the bands I had assisted in judging previously, although every single band from our market lost in the end (pending one last round of wildcard results). Um, not my fault man.

I managed to snap several pictures of the night’s events which you can view over on Flickr. Most are hastily taken during the last two songs, which generally sent the assembled crowd and opening groups up onto the stage, culminating in a ripping cover of Face to Face’s “Disconnected”.


Check these guys out on their way up:

1) Cry Havoc – Ghost Town | snocap
2) Cry Havoc – From the Stars | snocap
Cry Havoc Ad