IR: SoCal Last Night in Los Angeles

The Young PlaythingsIf any of you haven’t noticed all my excessive posts on Twitter yammering on about all the bands playing this year at the South by SouthWest Music Festival in Austin, TX… well… this posting is to confirm it to the rest of all ya’ll. I’m going to Austin this year and tonight is my last night in Los Angeles, well… kinda.

I’ll be flying out solo early tomorrow morning as part of a sorely needed personal trip, that will definitely spill into the Insomnia Radio realm to some degree. I’ve always wanted to attend SXSW but haven’t gotten around to it until now. I guess you could say everything came together at the right time, with an extra side jaunt at the tail end to visit family in the Houston area.

After slogging through about 800 band files the festival has offered online, I’ve compiled an overlapping list of bands of different stature, experience and blog-buzz from all over the world. There is no way I can even begin to cover seeing all the groups on my spreadsheet, but I do hope to use my new camera to snap an assortment of pictures and video of those who I do get to check out. Perhaps I’ll even get a few grabs of audio here and there on one of my mics.

I will also be attempting to upload pictures to Flickr and maybe the occasional blog post to the Insomnia Radio site, so keep coming back to check out my zany misadventures or possibly lack thereof.

Also, Insomnia Radio is co-sponsoring an event at the Flamingo Cantina on March 12th from 2-6pm. If you are in town, head on over to the Yarrr! PR/Greyday Records sponsored 3rd Annual ‘Pirate Elvis Party’, where they will be hosting a few live bands that Jason, our main show host, has played in the past. If not there, I’ll probably be at the IODA kickoff event at Emo’s, so feel free to come say hello.

So…. in the spirit of international bands converging into the bacchanalian uber-festival known as SXSW, lets kick things off with a band not from Los Angeles, but from London, singing about one last night here in LA. Here are:

The Young Playthings – Last Night in Los Angeles | e-music


Pirate Elvis Party