Have a happy and safe holiday! See you in 2008! Set List Christmas Wish- Gidgets Ga Ga Little Drummer Boy – Michael...
IR Baltimore #24: No...
WARNING: NOT WORKSAFE | RUNNING TIME: 52:27 Funny having to put a disclaimer in the front of a Holiday Show, but such is life. I tried my best to coax Don into the Holiday Spirit. Judge for yourself if I was successful. We...
IR Orlando #23
Hey gang, we’re back for the final episode of 2007. I hope you’ve enjoyed the great music coming out of Florida in the past year, and I hope you’re as excited as I am about more great music in 2008. Happy...
IR New Zealand #5: C...
Ho Ho Hooooooo! Welcome to Insomnia Radio: New Zealand and Merry Christmas to all. Tonight I have for you a varied collection of songs to get you into the Christmas mood. This is a no talking show, just some great Christmas...
IR Chicago #14
In this episode we get to hear 4 more great rockin’ bands! One from Oklahoma and 3 from the Chicagoland area! Also, I will take you back to the past! Set List In My Veins by Admiral Twin Not For Nothing by The...
Insomnia Radio #150:...
ENHANCED, with chapter art, URL’s, and individual tracks. DOWNLOAD IT HERE (for Safari/Firefox/iTunes) This episode of IR is a bit unusual in the fact that I felt it necessary to go on a bit of a rant. While...
Insomnia Radio #150:...
Listen Now:[audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/ir150.mp3] Download This Episode HERE This episode of IR is a bit unusual in the fact that I felt it necessary to go on a bit of a rant. While that’s not abnormal, THIS...
Insomnia Radio: UK &...
Download | Subscribe [audio:https://insomniaradio.net/audio/iruk36.mp3] What’s in this episode With the release of episode 35 I completed 25 episodes since I started with number 11. So I decided to try and put together...
IR: SoCal Mixtape -Y...
Todays mixtape celebrates the first year of the SoCal Sessions launching, which occurred this week, one year ago today, on the San Diego feed. Previous to the launch was a SoCal episode which Jason Evangelho, the main show...