IR: The SoCal Sessions #16 Caffeine Induced Delusions

Nearly 80% of the world’s population uses caffeine, and 25% of the population is diagnosed with a mental disorder. Clinical studies indicate that there may be significant overlap between those figures, and that many people diagnosed as mentally ill are in fact merely suffering from caffeine poisoning.”

This session is very loosely themed around… well… caffeine, a fitting tribute recently triggered by a national newspiece around a teenage barista who swilled fourteen shots of expresso on her shift, alternatively crying and laughing while serving customers. Either way, it made think about my own caffeine consumption for a fleeting moment.

Aside from the loose theme, we’ve got a amazing session for you today with the Thousand Oaks based group ‘Amestory’ leading things off followed by local LA powerhouse ‘Sunday Drivers’. These two tracks are flat out amazing and one of the best intros we’ve had on the show to date!

Next up we are previewing the unmixed track ‘Rocker Girl’ from LA duo, ‘The Foundation’. We would love to hear feedback before the song is mixed by seasoned pro, Rae Dileo. Following them are repeat performers ‘Immune’ with 3 Feet Deep, also on the verge of releasing a new album mixed by ‘Sylvia Massy’ of ‘Tool’ & ‘System of a Down’ fame) ‘Moss Bluff’ helps round out the pack, with ‘You’ve Been Had By Agent Orange’, a multi-talented group of LA musicians starting a tour deep into the US and across the pond to the UK in October.

San Diego Soundscape artist and Insomnia favorite, ‘Pensive’ are gearing up for their record release parties in Long Beach and San Diego, and we bring you a trifecta block with LA based ‘Letters Burning’ and Thousand Oaks based, ‘Streets of Rage’, who also have brand new CDs on the eve of release.

Keeping up the trend, we present ‘Ojos Rojos’, a rock outfit from Claremont whom also have a new CD just released, entitled ’13’, proving once again the inland empire scene is alive and thriving.

Our caffeine consumption reaches a high with ‘Scum of the Earth’, a band formed when ‘Rob Zombie’ set aside his music career to focus on movies. Enjoy the ‘Murder Song’ as well as the beginning and ending clips from the 1974 movie, Deranged. A new CD from ‘SotE’ is on the way entitled ‘Sleaze Freak’.

And yes…I’ve been laughing and shedding caffeinated tears while putting this all together. Take care everyone, and don’t forget to support your local artists!


1) Amestory – The March, The Parade | e-music
2) Sunday Drivers– Endless Summer | itunes
3) The Foundation – Rocker Girl (unmixed) | snocap
4) Immune – 3 Feet Deep | cd | e-music
5) Moss Bluff – You’ve Been Had By Agent Orange | snocap
6) Pensive – Live Fast | itunes | merch
7) Letters Burning – I’m Here and You’re There | snocap
8 ) Streets of Rage – Let’s Flip a Coin | e-music
9) Ojos Rojos – 13
10) Scum of the Earth – Murder Song | snocap | amazon

Letters Burning Contest
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Association of Music Podcasters
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