The SoCal Sessions is proud to present our first double shot, which is helping promote a very important cause over at In conjunction with the effort to help push the Internet Radio Equality Act, the...
IR Turkiye #4: Bomba...
Tekrar merhabalar herkese. Sonunda 4. bolum ile karsinizdayiz. Aslinda IR Turkiye dinleyicilerine, hayranlarina ait bir hitap sekli bulmaliyiz degil mi? Boyle hep “herkese merhabalar” tarzi girisler heyecansiz...
IR Turkey #4: The On...
Hi everyone, the 4th episode of IR Turkey is here. You know what, we need to find a name for you IR Turkey fans. It is becoming lame to say “Hi everyone”. How would you like to be called? In this episode, I am...
IR Orlando #17
It’s been another long delay, but hopefully this one is worth the wait. After weeks of being very busy and lots of computer issues, I’m back on track with an excellent playlist that includes some of my absolute...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Presenting a somewhat wide cross-section of the LA music scene, ‘This is the City’ brings us several tracks from a cadre of talented artists with new undiscovered music to share with the world. Fishbone returns...
IR: San Francisco #4...
Forty episodes in, and I feel like I’m just gettin’ warmed up. (Though I couldn’t think of a clever title to save my life.) Enjoy music from 10 bands brand spankin’-new to this show, and all from SF...
IR: Dread At The Con...
[audio:] From Mikey Dread’s studio and straight to your ears, it’s another hour long episode of roots reggae goodness, right here on Insomnia Radio. Alright, enjoy the...
IR: San Francisco #3...
The title of this episode refers to the predominance of slide guitar in the music. Introducing an IRSF first: an all-Americana episode. I also blather on incessantly about the 1 year anniversary of this show, which began...
IR Turkiye #3: Kural...
Bir onceki yayinin ardindan istedigimden biraz fazla zaman gecti fakat 3. Bolum ile tekrar buradayiz. Her zamanki gibi FM radyonuzda duyamayacaginiz harika sarkilar yer aliyor bu bolumde de. Bu bolumde Hande yine bana eslik...
IR Turkey #3: The On...
It is been a little longer than I would like since the previous episode but life interfered and we could not get it done earlier. However, as always we have some great music lined up for you. In this 3rd episode I am joined...
IR: The SoCal Sessio...
Possibly our only episode so far with a smattering of colorful content comes just in time for Easter delivery along with a pair of earmuffs for the children. We are completely excited to bring you a bunch of new releases in...
IR: Detroit Episode ...
IR Detroit #4 Download | Subscribe [audio:] This episode features some great rock and roll from Detroit – and an interview with a great rock and roll band from Detroit, The...
IR: San Francisco #3...
Would have been eight songs but for that $*&#@! DRM that is part and parcel of the lovely iTunes Music Store. (For more on that, read this.) No ranting and raving in the show, just a scratchy throat and miscellaneous...